Brahma statue from Indonesia
Brahma statue from Indonesia
Height 17 cm.
In Hindu philosophy, Brahma is the personification of the creative aspect of the divine Hindu Trinity or Trimurti. The sustaining aspect is represented by Vishnu and the transformative aspect by Shiva or Maheshvara. Sarasvati is his wife and daughter. Other names of Brahmâ are: Prajapati (lord of all beings), Mahapati (great father), Atmabhu (self-existent), Paramesthi (chief sacrificer), Lokesha (god of the world), Hiranyagarbha (born from the golden egg), Savitripati (husband of Savitri-Sarasvati) and Adikavi (first poet).
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€59,00 EUR
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€59,00 EUR
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